
VRC Summer Sessions Book Recommendations - Part 1

Are you looking for a way to make the most of this summer period and invest in your professional development? The VRC presents the Summer Sessions Book Recommendations: a list of books that will inspire you and stimulate your professional growth. Whether you want to stay updated on the latest insights in your field or benefit from the expertise of the most popular VRC Finance Academy instructors, these books are a valuable addition to your summer reading list. With the powerful combination of education and relaxation, the VRC offers you a unique opportunity to invest in your professional future this summer.

VRC Recommendations

Impactvol ondernemen

Impactvol ondernemen in de praktijk – Zelf verantwoordelijkheid nemen en samenwerken: zo doe je dat!
Hanneke Oude Elberink-Schieving, Paul van Ruiten, Ton Bastein, Anouk Brack, Annick Schmeddes, Jan Selen, Elise Vonk | 
ISBN: 9789090350943

Looking to apply multiple value creation in your role within your company? The book “Impactful Entrepreneurship in Practice” offers practical tools and step-by-step plans to create positive impact within your business. It introduces the value creation model of the IIRC and explains how to apply multiple value creation. This enables you to steer towards sustainable development and achieve positive impact.

Hanneke Oude Elberink has built a broad expertise and extensive network in the field of Sustainable Finance. She supports both financial professionals in their sustainable careers and organizations in making their operations more sustainable.

Learn how you, as a (financial) professional, play a crucial role in connecting different disciplines for positive impact and organizational sustainability in the two-day course “Sustainable Finance”:

Leadership Agility

Leadership Agility – Ontwikkel je repertoire van leiderschapsstijlen
Prof. dr. Ron Meyer & Ronald Meijers | ISBN: 9789462762367

How agile are you as a leader? Can you flexibly switch between leadership styles and quickly respond to changing circumstances? The book “Leadership Agility” introduces twenty archetypal leadership styles and emphasizes the importance of agility in leadership. It provides practical insights and tools for both current and future leaders to adapt between styles and quickly respond to specific needs of people and situations. Experts praise the book for its valuable insights in the field of leadership.

Prof. dr. Ron Meyer advises leading international organizations as a consultant on topics such as strategy, business innovation, and organizational development. Within the VRC Finance Academy, he demonstrates the role of financial professionals in complex organizational changes, such as digital transformation, strategic implementation, and process optimization.

Fast-track your journey to becoming an agile leader. Join the “Leadership Agility” course at the VRC Finance Academy:

How the World Really works

How the World Really Works – The Science Behind How We Got Here and Where We’re Going
Vaclav Smil | ISBN: 9780593297063

We have never had so much information at our fingertips, and yet many do not truly understand how the world works. “How the World Really Works” explains seven of the most fundamental realities that determine our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production to the globalization of our material world, as well as risks, the environment, and its future, the author emphasizes the importance of understanding the facts to effectively address the world’s toughest challenges. This thought-provoking book challenges common assumptions, such as the inevitability of globalization and the feasibility of decarbonization by 2050. Are we inevitably doomed, or is there a more promising world ahead?

Vaclav Smil is a scientist and policy analyst. He is an emeritus professor at the Faculty of Environment at the University of Manitoba, Canada. His interdisciplinary research focuses on topics such as energy, the environment, food supply, technological innovation, and policy.

Dynamische sturing in turbulente tijden – Data, drijfveren en gedrag
Fred Conijn RA | ISBN: 9789462157026

Discover the importance of dynamic steering in this book and get practical answers to questions about enabling employees to act quickly and decisively, continuously and flexibly developing, safeguarding crucial information, and step-by-step development of a dynamic control system. With a focus on data-driven behavioral influence, the role of the controller, and practical examples, the book facilitates an application to your own situation.

Authored by Fred Conijn RA, an experienced consultant specializing in applying dynamic steering. Control issues, financial transformations, Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG), and system implementations are at the core of his expertise. Fred Conijn contributes to the agility, sustainability, and adaptability of organizations. As the expert in data-driven dynamic steering, he guides professionals in implementing dynamic steering in their own organization.

Want to make dynamic steering company-specific and directly apply the concepts from the book to practice? Do it during the VRC Finance Academy course ‘Data-Driven Dynamic Steering’:

Value of everything

The Value of Everything – Making and Taking in the Global Economy
Mariana Mazzucato | ISBN: 9781610396752

Who truly creates wealth in the world? In modern capitalism, value extraction is rewarded more than value creation—the production process that drives the economy and society. In ‘The Value of Everything,’ Mariana Mazzucato argues that if we want to reform capitalism, to radically transform it rather than perpetuate it, we urgently need to reconsider where wealth comes from. Which activities create it, which extract it, which destroy it? Answers are crucial if we aim to change the current system into a type of capitalism that is more sustainable and symbiotic.

Mariana Mazzucato is an economist, Professor of Economics of Innovation and Public Value at University College London, and founder of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP). In her work, she focuses on the dynamics of technological change, the role of the public sector in innovation, and the concept of value in the economy.

VRC Summer Sessions

Invest in your professional success this summer with the revamped VRC Summer Sessions. Book a VRC Finance Academy August course and receive the Summer Sessions package: each Summer Session offers exclusive self-study material that earns an additional 2 PE points, on top of the regular course points. The Summer Sessions package includes relevant content across the disciplines of ethics, sustainability, personal development, artificial intelligence, and sustainable business models (depending on the chosen course). Don’t miss out on the August Summer Sessions and book your preferred course now to receive the Summer Sessions package.

The following courses are part of VRC Summer Sessions:
03-08-2023 Zet uw Potentieel optimaal in (tweede cursusdag 10/08)
22-08-2023 Ethiek en Moreel Kompas voor Controllers in de Marktsector
23-08-2023 Sustainable Finance (tweede cursusdag 06/09)
24-08-2023 ESG datagedreven toepassen (tweede cursusdag 31/08)
29-08-2023 Ethiek, AI en Data in de organisatie

VRC Summer Sessions Book Recommendations

  1. Impactvol ondernemen in de praktijk – Zelf verantwoordelijkheid nemen en samenwerken: zo doe je dat!
    Hanneke Oude Elberink-Schieving, Paul van Ruiten, Ton Bastein, Anouk Brack, Annick Schmeddes, Jan Selen, Elise Vonk
  2. Leadership Agility – Ontwikkel je repertoire van leiderschapsstijlen
    dr. Ron Meyer & Ronald Meijers
  3. How the World Really Works – The Science Behind How We Got Here and Where We’re Going
    Vaclav Smil
  4. Dynamische sturing in turbulente tijden – Data, drijfveren en gedrag
    Fred Conijn RA
  5. The Value of Everything – Making and Taking in the Global Economy
    Mariana Mazzucato
  6. Management Control
    Frank Hartmann & Jan Bouwens
  7. Grow the Pie – How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit
    Alex Edmans
  8. Talent in bedrijf – Wat de wetenschap zegt over talentmanagement in de praktijk
    Lidewey van der Sluis
  9. Soft controls voorbij – In 6 stappen verbindend controleren en adviseren met het Bistro-model
    Roger Beijer & Gerton van de Kamp
  10. Onder commissarissen – Hoe het ongezegde in de boardroom de besluitvorming beïnvloedt
    Marilieke Engbers

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